VINYASA classes are more flow in nature than Hatha. You’ll repeat simple poses (unless it’s level 2 Vinyasa) as transitions between poses are brief and you have less time to fine tune balance and strength.

These classes are cardio, even dance like in flavour and you’ll be encouraged to lead with AND follow your breathe, engage specific strength (bandas) and be more aware of where you place your gaze (dristi).
You will sometimes pre-learn alignment in tricky poses and transitions before we do the flow.
It can get messy BUT I hope you find it fun!


25 MINS A quick pace class to stoke up energy. A live class for people with an established practice. No mic, but the sound is still clear.

47 MINS A twisty flow with agility and balance work. Here we're also building to Parsva Bakasana. A fun live class.

23 MINS Move with dexterity from pose to pose. Slow and considered continuous movement.

41 MINS Back strengthening flow then calm seated poses follow with deep hip and leg stretches 2 minutes of stillness in meditation.

19 MINS Twists in lunges & chair pose, side crow and lots more followed by a lovely cook down emphasising lengthening out the hips

20 MINS VINYASA FOR TIGHT HIP FLEXORS prevent tightening in your hip flexors. No stepping forward here. Moving from Tadasana into standing poses. Give it a try!

23 MINS Easy repeated poses & patterns to help you flow with Grace and Ease.

21 MINS Tons of STRENGTH! We end with fun, empowering L Shaped handstands at the wall. Keep coming back to this class to build strength and confidence.

15 MINS Step back and forward in interesting transitions from pose to pose. Strengthen yr shoulders in side plank and enjoy an all round practice.

25 MINS Create or Burn! A recording from a fun live class.

18 MINS A strong class to push your practice forward by highlighting what is needed in this demanding, twisting balance.

23 MINS Core strength with Twisted Half Moon. Stay at the less intense options to prepare for more advanced levels when you're ready. Have fun and breathe!

15 MINS Side Body lengthening in a short, sweet flow around Gate Pose

47 MINS A fun flow where we hold poses for 1, 3 or 5 breaths. Expect levity and zing!

35 MINS A strong Eagle pose flow with one of Garuda’s stories to entertain.

15 MINS Learn Surya Namaskar A and B in a short, invigorating practice.

31 MINS Release your shoulders and unwind tension.

21 MINS An Easy Vinyasa class emphasising core strength with help on some tricky Vinyasa fundamentals.

37 MINS Stretch and lengthen your entire body in this strong sequence.

24 MINS Challenging elements are pre-taught so you can enjoy a fun flow. A classic creative kramas after good pose alignment work.

22 MINS Want slow and steady? Counter our modern pace of life and high expectations with a mindful flow.



28 MINS A chilled sequence moving towards Side Angle. Disconnect from the day so your body, mind and spirit can fully enjoy time off!

21 MINS Reduce anxiety and relax in the evening or at any time of day to really let go and slow everything down.

26 MINS Restorative yoga. 3 poses. You'll need: Blankets, a bolster and a belt. All for when you're over tired and need a guided rest.

39 MINS Long held restful poses to nurture and relax your entire body and spirit



A growing category here, but strong and powerful non the less! It tends to be that most Yoga Asana (pose) classes demand a lot and so strengthen the core, but these classes really target it.

23 MINS Good preparation work in EHB step by step up to lift off! Having 2 blocks will be useful but not necessary.

61 MINS standing poses, lots of Yoga abdominal strength work and some tips on Bakasana.

16 MINS Longer holds to harness stamina, stability and power in to your legs, core and back.

29 MINS Improve posture, poise & balance strength to flexibility in the deep core muscles.

25 MINS Deep core and super strong leg strength class!

42 MIN Side plank, Crow pose & twists around the core to focus power.



Yin Yoga is a cooler, more meditative practice of Yoga. Here you hold passive floor poses for up to 5 minutes, opening the deeper, tougher connective tissues of your body.

35 MINS YIN YOGA 4 poses, 3 poems, 2 minute holds, 1 minute Savasana. Perfect!

48 MINS The second half of a 90 minute yin/ yang class I taught at Balanced Living, SG.

31 MINS. 2 poses for yr shoulders, neck then 2 for your lower back and hips.

29 MINS YIN FOR SLEEP 4 Yin poses all for the hips. Tips on how props (bolsters, blankets and blocks) can support you in in YIN.

40 MINS Child, Dragon, Sphinx & Shoelace with offered variations. Enjoy being still. ❤️

39 MINS 2 minute holds for a slow melt experience. Deep hip, thigh and lower back stretches for long lasting mobility and ease.

29 MINS. Lengthen hips and lower back to bring stillness to your body, mind and spirit.

33 MINS 15 mins of Vinyasa followed by 2 Yin Yoga poses, Sleeping Swan & Dragon, 2 min holds for deep hip flexibility.

35 MINS A quiet Yin Class less chat from me. Be given poses, a few modifications choices, then quietude reins.

30 MINS Strong VINYASA to warm and move through yr full range of motion. Then to Yin poses be still in YIN. YUM!



52 MINS Pose patterns in flying pigeon and the splits poses. Open your hips, strengthen your upper body and fly!

16 MINS A class focusing on the shoulders and hips with more level 2 poses

22 MINS Bharadvajasana 2, a beautiful seated twist with an interesting half lotus element.

27 MINS Improve your Vinyasa know-how! 5 Kramas building complexity in strength and flexibility work. Keep returning to up yr Vinyasa flow abilities

16 MINS An advanced Vinyasa Class for Stamina with Parsvottonasana as the base camp pose. A quick paced Iyengar Vinyasa.

32 MINS A creative build up to Warrior 3 with poses to bring stamina and strength to your legs, back and core

30 MINS More advanced Yoga poses like Parvritta Ardha Chandrasana & Parsva Bakasana to build core strength and balance.

20 MINS Slow but with tricky transitions to improve balance.

31 MINS A fun, fast pace Yoga class with less help from me for the more advanced.

24 MINS Standing poses & fab transitions to seated poses. We repeat the sequence so the second time it’s steadier.

21 MINS Intermediate Vinyasa with balance challenges stepping up to warrior 3, half moon and twisted half moon.



A five day course designed to to increase stamina, flexibility, improve balance and uplift your spirits!

31 MINS Come on a journey to a beautiful island to meet some Yoga animals!

25 MINS. Fly then go by boat to the North Pole and meet some Polar Bears, Seals, Walruses, Hares, Foxes, Owls and a Snow Goose!

24 MINS for kids between 5-11 Rockets, Helicopters, Eagles, Flamingos, Dragonflies, Crows and Butterflies!

19 MINS Sea Creatures for 5 to 11 year olds. Sharks, mermaids, seaweed, turtles and much more!

13 MINS Poses to strengthen, lengthen and balance the young body, mind and spirit. One to bookmark dear parents!

Learn the basics of Tree pose, Eagle, lunges and Warrior pose variations, then you link them all together in a fluid Vinyasa flow.

DAY 2. 23 MINS CORE & BACK strengthening the whole body focusing on ab strength and lower back for stability.

26 MINS BACKBENDS improve posture, bring energy & strengthen your back. Enjoy!

Lengthen your hamstrings, stretch tight calves and bring more flexibility to yr entire back body.

DAY 5. 29 MINS 10 poses from the shoulders to the hips. Very useful for opening shoulders and hips after sitting and studying.