Lakshmi, the most popular of Hindu goddesses is the goddess of relationships, abundance, wealth, beauty and above all, love.
A nice workshop for the run up to Valentines day to reaffirm self love, love for your friends, family, partner or perhaps more simply, The Universe!
In this workshop you’ll be guided through a creatively crafted alignment based Vinyasa sequence and cooling opening Yin practice. You’ll hear stories about the beautiful Goddess Lakshmi and gain more understanding on the powers she embodies with the view to bringing out recognising those inner teachings from within yourself.
“Kindness and generosity express the Lakshmi spirit—not only material generosity (though philanthropic giving is one of the great ways we can "be" Lakshmi), but also generous sentiments and generosity of time and assistance. Gratitude is a major Lakshmi attractor. So is a commitment to making the life around you beautiful, loving, and harmonious. Lakshmi is all about giving, but she's also about being open to receive. So look for ways not to block abundance from your life.”
Sally Kempton